About me

I am a postdoc at Dr. Murat Maga’s lab at the Center of Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Seattle Children’s Research Institute. I am currently involved in developing software modules within the open-source SlicerMorph extension in 3D Slicer for biological shape analysis, acquiring and processing 3D data for biological analysis, and maintaining the software extensions. I also plan to use these tools for studying craniofacial development, genetics, morphology, and evolution using the labratory mouse models. I received my PhD in the field of paleoanthropology, from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh (Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Schwarts).

Download Full CV (last updata: Aug 02, 2022) here

Research interests:

  • Human and hominid craniofacial morphology, development, genetics, and evolution
  • Biological shape analysis, morphometrics, comparative morphology
  • 3D imaging and model reconstruction
  • paleoanthropology, human and primate evolution